Video gaming is a recreational and entertaining activity that provides many benefits to players that go beyond entertainment
Playing allows people to explore new and diverse settings. where they can grow in a variety of different environments, all while discovering incredible worlds.
Playing best crazygames helps develop interpersonal skills, boosts a sense of accomplishment and develops the ability to perform under pressure.
Video games can deliver immersive experiences that inspire a wide range of emotions, from joy to fear, surprise and pride.
Brain Stimulation
Playing stimulates the brain and can help to develop memory, concentration skills, and attention to detail.
crazygames online can help to expand players knowledge across a variety of subjects, from history, geography and science to foreign languages.
Social Interaction
Playing Games allows players to strengthen bonds with other people by encouraging cooperation and competition together.
Physical Activity
Some games can have a positive impact on a players health by helping them get active or exercise a specific part of their body or mind.
Self Expression
Play Free Online Games give players the opportunity to create, experiment, and let their imagination run wild, from track building and avatar customisation to fanart, cosplay and streaming.
Code of Conduct players
We are committed to providing an inclusive gaming environment where everyone, anywhere in our global community can have fun while feeling safe and respected.
Player and data protection
Ubisoft takes the well-being of all players very seriously and works to provide everyone with the safest gaming experience possible.
Keys to Learn
These Ubisoft events advocate for the educational value of video games by showing journalists, educators, and students the positive impacts of games.
Accessibility for everyone
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gamer, Ubisoft’s video games can be adapted to your personal abilities. When launching a Free Online Games, the settings menus will allow players to select the difficulty, controls, visual and sound specifications to suit their needs.
Particular attention is paid to accessibility for people with disabilities
Ubisoft is accelerating its efforts to enable everyone to enjoy a positive experience, regardless of physical or cognitive specificities. Our teams are working to evaluate and improve options in, and around ours game, particularly for communication options between players.
Ubisoft recognized for the accessibility of its games
In 2019, the game Far Cry New Dawn implemented directional subtitles to indicate the origin of each sound in the game. This feature was recognized by as the “Best Accessibility Feature You Wish All Games Would Implement.” That same year, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 and Ghost Recon Breakpoint were cited numerous times for their ability to customize the game interface and joystick/keyboard controls, as well as for their ability to automatically narrate game menus.
Collaboration with experts and groups of players with disabilities
Special Effect in the UK, Capgame in France, Funkibator in Sweden and many other experts from around the world assist us in making Ubisoft games adaptable to people with disabilities. Throughout the year, these people advise and train our teams to help us honor our commitment to making video games accessible to the greatest number of people.
Accessibility at Ubisoft: Where We Are Today
Click here to learn more about our latest achievements regarding accessibility in our games.